
martedì 18 gennaio 2022

2022: 30 Years of the LIFE Programme...and me!

I am proud to announce that the European LIFE programme celebrates 30 years of life this year! I have been working with LIFE since 2000, it's one of the most useful programs in the world for the protection of the environment and nature. In my career I have monitored over 30 projects, developed and managed 13 successful LIFE initiatives for the protection of nature. I am also pleased to have trained over 2,000 young people and adults to use this program to support environmental protection, in university courses, masters and lectures to public body staff. We know that it is not easy to obtain and manage this funding (due mainly to huge administrative requirements), but it is a challenge that is worth implementing, due to the environmental benefits it can bring. 

I am willing to tell my experience as a testimonial of the LIFE Programme to anyone who wants. Happy 2022 with LIFE!


30 years of the LIFE programme

LIFE was created in 1992 and

until today five phases of the programme have been concluded (LIFE I: 1992-1995, LIFE II: 1996-1999, LIFE III: 2000-2006, LIFE+: 2007-2013 and LIFE 2014-2020). During this period, LIFE has co-financed over 5500 projects across the EU and out and the next phase 2021-2027 is ongoing with a budget of 5,4 billion Euro.

LIFE has been essential in the promotion of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation and in raising awareness among people and governments on climate change. In fact, thanks to its fundings, LIFE contributes to fight biodiversity loss, supports projects in the areas of farming, land use, renewable energies and provides action grants for information and dissemination projects on climate matters. 

For the 30th birthday of the LIFE program, I would like to briefly describe the 13 projects I have developed in the last years of work with LIFE, from the most recent to those already completed. To do this it is necessary to premise that most of the projects have been carried out within Natura 2000 sites. This is the main instrument of EU policy for the conservation of biodiversity on European territory. In these areas, economic and social needs are combined with the protection of nature, as terrestrial and marine places that host natural habitats and threatened or rare species of flora and fauna become areas of conservation and/or protection in which, however, human activities are not completely excluded. The keywords are, therefore, balance, sustainability, support for non-intensive human activities, protection and conservation of the natural environment, biodiversity.

CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability”


The overall objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of cetaceans and pelagic sea turtle (CEPTU) species. This will be done through the identification of important offshore marine sites, establishing and implementing a standard approach to assess the impact of anthropogenic actions, and increasing the monitoring of the conservation status of these species. The impacts of marine traffic and abandoned fishing gear will be monitored. All this will be supported by the dissemination of information to the population and stakeholders, via web and social media. Systematic data about CEPTU and anthropic activities will be obtained, thanks to which guidelines will be elaborated for the control and monitoring of the species and the threats to which they are subjected.

The Project started on 10/01/2022 and the expected end date is 09/01/2026. The total budget is 4,015,644 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 2,186,951 €.

Conservation and re-stocking of the Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic sea”


The Project aims to conserve the Pinna nobilis species, the largest Mediterranean bivalve species classified as critically endangered. This will be achieved through actions of repopulation and subsequent conservation of the species, maintaining genetic diversity among individuals. Communication, awareness, and training actions will be implemented. Protocols for the replicability of the project will be elaborated and disseminated.

The Project started on 01/10/2021 and the expected end date is 30/09/2025. The total budget is 2,965,885 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 1,753,700 €.

Knowing and loving the Natura 2000 marine sites to protect them”


The overall objective of the Project is to increase the knowledge of marine Natura 2000 sites by involving stakeholders who have direct or indirect impacts in order to protect and conserve the marine environment. This will be achieved using social networks to raise awareness and inform as many people as possible (6 million people and 1200 stakeholders) and local promotional initiatives, such as guided tours, regattas, and so on. Moreover, training courses for Natura 2000 sites managers will be organized in order to increase their communication and management skills.

The Project started on 01/10/2021 and the expected end date is 01/10/2025. The total budget is 1,896,284 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 1,042,952 €.

Using SEED banks to restore and reinforce the endangered native plants of Italy”


The overall objective of the Project is to improve the conservation status of 29 species of flora with poor or inadequate conservation status in 76 Natura 2000 sites in Italy. This will be achieved by keeping the areas clean, focusing on the removal of alien invasive species, and controlling revegetation. These actions will lead to an improved conservation status of the 76 Natura 2000 sites; to the increase of the target species (up to 50,000 individuals), thanks also to the collection of germplasm of the target species. All this will be supported by the dissemination of guidelines and training of staff for the management of the sites.

The project started on 01/10/2021 and the expected end date is 31/12/2026. The total budget is 7,790,685 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 4,671,420 €.

Urgent conservation actions for Lanner falcon”


The population of the Lanner falcon is extremely decreased. The general objective of the project is to increase the number of individuals that compose it in order to avoid its disappearance in the Lazio region (Italy). Methodologies and practices will also be transferred to Malta, as a region historically inhabited by the Lanner Falcon. The monitoring of the species through GPS systems and the creation of recovery centers for the study of the species and of a national genetic database will be among the main results of the project.

The project started on 06/01/2020 and the expected end date is 30/06/2025. The total budget is 2,604,523 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 1,944,314 €.

Restoration of dry-acidic Continental grasslands and heathlands in Natura 2000 sites in Piemonte and Lombardia”


The general objective of the project is the restoration of dry-acid continental habitats within 8 Natura 2000 sites in the western Po Valley (Italy). The structures of the target habitats will be restored preserving their biological characteristics. Invasive woody species contributing to biodiversity loss will be treated. Plant diversity will also be increased. In order to make the project sustainable, guidelines will be developed for its replication, as well as a communication plan to reach the population and the scientific community.

The project started on 02/09/2019 and the expected end date is 02/09/2024. The total budget is 2,203,028 € and the European co-funding attributed to the project is 1,311,356 €. 

European Networks for Private Land Conservation”


This project will bring together two existing networks, ELO (European Landowners' Organization) and Eurosite, a network dealing with nature conservation and protection. These two organizations have already explored the potential of private land conservation, but through two different projects: LIFE L.I.F.E. and LIFE ELCN (see below). The main focus has been achieved by Eurosite and ELO who have established a "Conservation Landowners Coalition" (created in 2021), a permanent platform for the exchange of ideas and initiatives between these two groups of stakeholders. 18 organizations from 11 different European countries will be involved.

The project started on 01/12/2020 and the expected end date is 31/05/2024. The total budget is 1,694,660 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 1,000,000 € (= 59 % of total eligible budget).

Development of a European Private Land Conservation Network”


The overall goal of the Project is to develop a network of organizations and individuals active in private land conservation. The network will only support private landowners who intend to conserve at least part of their land. This project followed the path of previously developed projects (such as LANDLIFE) and is in line with the EU's Action Plan for Nature, People and the Economy which emphasize the importance of building partnerships with the private sector in order to stimulate investment in nature projects and in the conservation and protection of the natural environment.

The project started on 01/05/2017 and the expected end date is 28/02/2022. The total budget is 1,059,677 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 620,000 €. 

Restoration of dune habitats in Natura 2000 sites of the Veneto coast”


The general objective of the Project is to restore and maintain the ecological integrity of the coastal dunes of 4 Natura 2000 sites along the North Adriatic coast (Veneto coast, Italy) and of the population of Stipa veneta (endemic plant of the dunes of northeastern Italy in danger of extinction). To achieve this, native plants will be planted, and invasive alien species will be removed. Public access to the beaches will be regulated to reduce anthropogenic impacts on the target habitat.

The project began on 01/09/2017 and the projected end date is 31/03/2022. The total budget is €2,005,384 and the European co-financing allocated to the project is €1,203,230. 

Conservation of biodiversity in the Municipality of Bressanvido”


The general objective of the project was the restoration and consolidation of "green infrastructures" such as a network of springs, ditches, and canals in the territory of Bressanvido (Vicenza, Italy). These infrastructures aim to counteract the loss of biodiversity caused by the intensive exploitation of the areas by livestock activities. The involvement of private commercial entities and non-profit organizations has been a key point to maintain the infrastructures.

The project started on 01/10/2015 and ended on 30/09/2020. The total budget is €1,161,293 and the European co-financing attributed to the project is €696,775. 

Making public Good provision the core business of Natura 2000”

LIFE+ Making Good Natura – LIFE11ENV/IT/000168

This project has developed new paths of environmental governance aimed at the protection of agroforestry ecosystems and elaborates forms of biophysical, qualitative, and quantitative assessment (WebGIS software) of ecosystem services in Natura 2000 network sites. Site managers have been provided with management and self-financing tools (PES - Payments for Ecosystem Services) as forms of remuneration for their protection activities.

The project started on 01/09/2012 and ended on 15/06/2016. The total budget is 3,751,684 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 1,863,441 €.

Urgent long term nature conservation actions for the SPA and the pSCIs of the Monti della Tolfa area”

LIFE+Monti della Tolfa – LIFE 08 NAT/IT/000316

The project aimed to ensure the long-term conservation of threatened bird species present in 3 Natura 2000 sites in the Tolfa Mountains of central Italy (Province of Rome). In line with the objectives of the Natura 2000 Network, the project was concerned with creating a balance between human activities (livestock farming) and nature conservation (regeneration of vegetation and preservation of species), and this was the reason behind its success. Public access to these areas has therefore been managed in this sense by promoting sustainable tourism. Awareness campaigns were not lacking and reached 100,000 people.

The project started on 01/01/2010 and ended on 30/06/2015. The total budget is 3,929,727 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 1,789,243 €.

Conservation and recovery of dune priority habitats among the sites of Cagliari, Caserta, Matera provinces”

LIFE Providune – LIFE07 NAT/IT/000519

Tourism was one of the main reasons for vegetation degeneration and degradation of Mediterranean dune habitats in the sites of the Provinces of Cagliari, Matera, and Caserta. Therefore, the focus was on increasing the level of knowledge of the local population and stakeholders. It was also established a common approach for the protection of these habitats in the long term, monitoring their biotic and abiotic characteristics.

The project started on 01/01/2009 and ended on 31/12/2014. The total budget is 3,352,392 € and the European co-financing attributed to the project is 2,396,010 €.